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Aqua-vital park
Aqua-vital park
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Welcome Kúpele

Aqua-vital park

The right place

for your relaxation
&& health


The spring of health in Liptov.

Spa Lúčky is located in the beautiful mountain environment of Liptov and, thanks to the compact area, you have almost everything "at your fingertips". Clients like to come back, whether because of the pleasant family atmosphere, qualified staff or the professional treatment with a long tradition, but above all because of the unique healing mineral water. The treasure hidden in the healing water has already brought back health to many clients; it comes from two springs and is used both in swimming pools and in separate

find out more about us

The right place
for relaxation

Specialist treatment with a long tradition
  • Treatments
  • Aqua-vital park
  • Wellness
  • Cardio Fitness Centre
  • Cinema
  • Cultural programme
  • Hiking
"The best advertisement is a satisfied client".

Current offer

Stays and treatments

Therapeutic stay SENIOR
from €76 Price per 1 person/night
  • Full board
  • 2 therapeutic treatments per night
  • entrances to pools

Therapeutic stay SENIOR

Special Senior stay for clients aged 60+; try the package of services for an excellent price.

from €76/night
Valid until 31 May 2024.
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Therapeutic stay KLASIK
from €87 Price for 1 person/night/stay from 5 nights
  • Entry to swimming pools
  • 3 spa treatments/night of the stay

Therapeutic stay KLASIK

Do you love spa treatments? So this stay is just for you! Enjoy treatments to help you combat specific health issues, or just pamper yourself.

from €87/night
Valid until 31 May 2024.
See more about the stay See more about the stay
From €91 Price per 1 person/night/stay from 2 nights
  • swimming pools, Vital World
  • 1 therapeutic treatment/night of the stay


Do you like the comfort of a swimming pool? Or do you prefer to relax in a sauna? The Aqua-vital stay offers unlimited swimming in the outdoor pools, an indoor pool as well as the Vital World.

from €91/night
Valid until 31 May 2024.
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Summer RELAX
From €77 Price per 1 person/night/stay from 4 nights
  • Full board
  • pools, Vital World
  • 2 therapeutic treatments/night of the stay

Summer RELAX

Do you feel tired and without energy? Come and we will help you improve your health. RELAX stay offers the opportunity to relax longer than just during a weekend for a great price...

From €77/night
Valid from 2 April - 30 September 2024.
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Spa treatment A
From €8

Spa treatment A

Do you have a long-term health problem? You may also be entitled to spa treatment. Ask your doctor.

from €8/night
Valid until 31 May 2024.
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Spa treatment B
From €44

Spa treatment B

Do you have a long-term health problem? You may also be entitled to spa treatment. Informujte sa u svojho lekára. Ask your doctor.In indication group B, the health insurance company pays for the client's medical care and therapeutic procedures.

from €44/night
Valid until 31 May 2024.
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Promo image
20% discount on stays in group A
  • indication group A
  • indication group B

Medical stays through health insurance companies

To improve your health, you can choose a spa stay with us. In order to get a spa treatment, you need a written proposal. A proposal for spa treatment may be written by your general practitioner or a specialist (orthopaedist, gynaecologist, oncologist, FBLR rehabilitation doctor) on the basis of your verbal request.

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Do you suffer from joint pain or stiffness?

Do you suffer from joint pain or stiffness?

Vek, zdravotný stav, ale aj životný štýl, to sú atribúty, ktoré prinášajú zo sebou rôzne poškodenia organizmu a ochorenia. Jedným z najčastejších ochorení pohybového ústrojenstva je osteoartróza alebo skrátene OA.  O tom, koho a čo najčastejšie postihuje nám porozprával primár zdravotného oddelenia v Kúpeľoch Lúčky - MUDr. Igor Dobrík.

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Immunity support at Spa Lúčky

Immunity support at Spa Lúčky

With the advancement of civilization and a lifestyle based on consumerism, the number of people with impaired immunity, i.e. the body's defences, is increasing worldwide. A weak immune system can manifest itself in a variety of disorders or diseases, depending on the severity, extent and depth of the damage to the immune system.

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Did you know how SPA LÚČKY was created?

Did you know how SPA LÚČKY was created?

Discover the fascinating history of the creation of SPA LÚČKY and find out how this relaxing paradise evolved from mineral water springs into what it is today.

Read the full article

our services

Here you will find everything for your relaxation and improvement of your health condition

Health Department
Health Department

Our doctors will take care of you in the Health Department which is located in the Choč Hotel.

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All our clients have the opportunity to book treatments in our modern Balneocentre.

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Cardio Fitness Centre
Cardio Fitness Centre

In the Cardio Fitness Centre you will find various cardio machines such as exercise bikes, elliptical trainers, treadmills, rowing machines, and others.

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Cultural events
Cultural events

Every week we prepare a cultural programme for you with a range of music performances, theatrical performances, film premieres...

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Gift vouchers
Gift vouchers

You can donate health with us! Order a gift voucher for your loved ones!

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Cinema Lúčky
Cinema Lúčky

The offer of films in our cinema is varied. Our offer includes premieres of new releases, but also classic comedies or romantic films...

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  • indikačná skupina A
  • indikačná skupina B

Liečivá voda
v kúpeľoch

Minerálny prameň Valentína
CO2 875 mg/l
Minerálny prameň HGL-3
Ca2+ 606 mg/l
Zobraziť viac


and guesthouses


Choč Hotel

The main spa hotel which houses the reception and the Lipa and Breza dining rooms. It is connected by a corridor with the Balneocentre building where medical treatments are provided, the Dependance Liptov and the AQUA-VITAL Park swimming pool complex. Clients staying at the Choč Spa Hotel have all services under one roof.


KUBO Hotel

KUBO Spa Hotel is one of our newest buildings. For meals, spa treatments and swimming pools, guests pass across the spa area. The hotel is approximately 300 metres far from the main building. The following room types can be found in the KUBO Spa Hotel: Suite (suite includes a living room, bedroom, small kitchenette with equipment), double room, possibility of an extra bed, family room.


Dependance Liptov

It is

connected by a corridor with the Choč Spa Hotel and with the Balneocentre building where medical treatments are provided, and with the AQUA-VITAL Park complex of swimming pools. Clients staying at Dependance Liptov have all services under one roof. In the basement there is a Wellness area.


Dependance CYRIL

Dependance Cyril is located 150 metres from the Choč Spa Hotel. For meals, spa treatments and swimming pools, you need to walk across the area. This cosy spa house consists of double rooms. There are 3 single rooms.


Dependance DIANA

Located 300 metres from the Choč Spa Hotel, Dependance Diana is one of the newest buildings of the spa complex. Meals, medical treatments and swimming pools are accessible by foot. In Dependance Diana there is an elevator.

Choč Hotel***
Choč Hotel
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KUBO Hotel***
KUBO Hotel
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Dependance Liptov***
Dependance Liptov
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Dependance CYRIL***
Dependance CYRIL
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Dependance DIANA***
Dependance DIANA
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Lipa and Breza dining rooms,

Choč Café
& Vital Café

Customers may choose meals from the menu (Lipa dining room) or meals are offered in a buffet-style form (Breza dining room). We cater for several types of diets, with a guarantee of gluten-free meat products. You may enjoy a glass of good wine, a cup of delicious coffee, a good cake or salty snacks in the café in the Choč Spa Hotel. In the VITAL Café you can enjoy a delicious coffee or a sweet dessert...


how our customers
rated us

Ľudo Jambrich

Kúpele Lúčky patria k najpopulárnejším kúpeľným destináciám našich klientov. Dôvodom je nielen krásne prírodné prostredie ale najmä kvalita služieb a prírodných liečebných zdrojov.
CK Relaxos

Robert Trnkus
Robert Trnkus

Izbička je čistunká a útulná personál sa naozaj o izby stara dobre, dari sa mu udržať pohodlie izieb aj keď už majú nejaký rôčik za sebou. Za mňa super. Rovnako môžem pochváliť ochotu obsluhy na recepcii. (I ked neviem či nepramenila s toho že som mal zaplatený pobyt v novšej časti Hotela Kubo, no požiadal som o zmenu na hotel Choč. Aby som sa nemusel presúvať na procedúry a stravu po vonku. Tým som si sám ubral na konforte ubytovania.) Čo ale nič nemení na tom že sa tu vedia postarať o pohodlie klientov. Strava je obstojna, ta bohužiaľ nesplnila moje očakávania. Porovnávam ponuku a rozmanitosť ponúkanú v iných kúpeľoch.

Peter Ivan
Peter Ivan

trochu popracovať na službách a bude to dobre. hlavne manažment, lebo ľudia sa naň dosť vyhovárajú keď sa niečo snažia vysvetliť klientom - samoplatcom

Nina Rosíková
Nina Rosíková

V každom ročnom období má svoje čaro.

Petra Bohátová
Petra Bohátová

Bola som tu spoločne s maminou, krásne prostredie. Skvelo sme si oddýchli. Ubytko sme mali mimo hlavného pavilónu ale aj tak sme si tam super oddýchli. Dobre sa o nás postarali, užili sme si príjemné prechádzky, výlet aj wellness 🙂 akurát na obedy a večere sme chodili mimo kúpeľov, strava bola na naše gusto skutočne zlá. Ak by som mohla odporučiť niečo na zlepšenie tak isto by to bol nový kuchár alebo zmenu ponuky jedla. Ale - sto ľudí, sto chutí. 🙏🏽