Lúčky municipality increased the accommodation tax
With effectfrom 1 April 2024 the tax onaccommodation atSpa Lúčky is EUR 1.30/night according to the valid municipal regulation of the municipality of Lúčky.
With effectfrom 1 April 2024 the tax onaccommodation atSpa Lúčky is EUR 1.30/night according to the valid municipal regulation of the municipality of Lúčky.
The locomotor system is a system of organs that enable movement and maintaining the correct position of the body. Musculoskeletal health is important for overall well-being and quality of life, so treating musculoskeletal problems is key. In this blog, we will look at various aspects of musculoskeletal treatment, including prevention, diagnosis and modern treatment methods.
Read the full articleVek, zdravotný stav, ale aj životný štýl, to sú atribúty, ktoré prinášajú zo sebou rôzne poškodenia organizmu a ochorenia. Jedným z najčastejších ochorení pohybového ústrojenstva je osteoartróza alebo skrátene OA. O tom, koho a čo najčastejšie postihuje nám porozprával primár zdravotného oddelenia v Kúpeľoch Lúčky - MUDr. Igor Dobrík.
Read the full articleWith the advancement of civilization and a lifestyle based on consumerism, the number of people with impaired immunity, i.e. the body's defences, is increasing worldwide. A weak immune system can manifest itself in a variety of disorders or diseases, depending on the severity, extent and depth of the damage to the immune system.
Read the full articleDiscover the fascinating history of the creation of SPA LÚČKY and find out how this relaxing paradise evolved from mineral water springs into what it is today.
Read the full article